In a couple of month, MediaO2 will celebrate it’s 10 year anniversary.
It was a long and educational journey, our views, policies and strategies have changed a lot…
10 years ago, we started with the idea “Customer knows nothing“.
Our policy evolved few years later to “Customer is often wrong“.
Yet a couple years later, this changed to “Customer must be satisfied“, which led to our customers satisfaction policy.
But the last few years, we took it to an entirely new level of excellence, the latest policy that we have been adopting is “Customer must be happy“, it’s no longer satisfaction what we are looking for, but we are looking for the word “i am happy with the result” – which we get often by the way.
With our 10th anniversary approaching, the management decided to raise the bar even further, to a level where financial gains did not enter into consideration anymore, our new policy that we will start adopting with our customers is “Customer must become successful“, to do so we are willing to offer FREE of charge, consultancy and advice to our existing customers, furthermore, our customers will be getting throughout the year many services and products for FREE or for a deep discount … Makes no sense? It does to us!
We want to be your business friend, the friend you wish you have to provide advice and mentor-ship in matters related to advertising and marketing, without having to worry about paying and money all the time!!!
That’s why we are launching our Customer Service Excellence Program , a customer relation program where we will take care of making your business successful.